Melodie Exceptions

MelodieInfra.exceptions.exceptions.assert_exc_occurs(exc_id: int, func: Callable)

Assert that this exception will occur.

MelodieInfra.exceptions.exceptions.assert_exc_type_occurs(exc_type: BaseException, func: Callable)

Assert that exception of exc_type must occur.

exception MelodieInfra.exceptions.exceptions.MelodieException(exc_id: int, text: str)

Bases: Exception

class MelodieInfra.exceptions.exceptions.MelodieExceptions

Bases: object

class Assertions

Bases: object

static Type(name, obj, expected_type)

Assert that the type of obj is the expected_type.

static IsNone(name, obj)

Assert variable obj is None.

static NotNone(name, obj)

Assert that the obj is not None

class General

Bases: object

static TypeError(name, obj, expected_type: type)

The encapsulation of TypeError

static NoAttributeError(obj, attr_name: str)

The encapsulation of AttributeError

class Program

Bases: object

Errors related to programming

  • code: 1000

ID = 1000
class Variable

Bases: object

ID = 1010
static VariableInvalid(var_desc: str, var_value: Any, expected_value: Any)

If this occurs, please check the value of variable

  • code: 1011

static VariableNotInSet(var_desc: str, var_value: Any, allowed_set: Set[Any])

Please check if variable is in the allowed set.

  • code: 1012

  • example: If the allowed set is {“apple”, “pears”}, but the variable value is “banana”

class Function

Bases: object

ID = 1020
static FunctionArgsNumError(func: Callable, expected_arg_num: int, actual_arg_num: int)

Function should have correct number of arguments. If not, this error will be raised.

  • code: 1021

  • example: Expecting 1 argument, but the function was lambda a, b: a+b

class State

Bases: object

ID = 1100
static StateNotFoundError(state, all_states)
static CannotMoveToNewStateError(old_state, new_state, all_possible_new_states: set)
static NotAStateAttributeError(agent_cls, state_attr: str)
class Scenario

Bases: object

ID = 1200
static ScenarioIDDuplicatedError(id_scenario)

Scenario ID should be unique. If there are identical scenario-id in the scenario table or generated, this error will be raised.

  • code: 1201

  • example: The scenario table below could make this error occur.











In this table, the ids of scenarios are identical, which will cause this exception.

static ScenarioIDTypeError(id_scenario)

Scenario ID should be integer type.

  • code: 1202

  • hint: Please check carefully to make sure the scenario id is integer.

static NoValidScenarioGenerated(scenarios)

Operators (Simulator/Trainer/Calibrator) will generate a list of scenarios. If no scenario has been generated, this error will be raised.

  • code: 1204


  • If you overrode the generate_scenarios method of DataframeLoader, make sure valid value returned.

  • If you are using xlsx tables, make sure the first page of <operator_type>_scenarios.xlsx is not empty.

static ParameterRedefinedError(parameter_name: str, all_params: List)

For the interactive parameters of Scenario, the name should be unique. If two parameters has the same name, this exception will be raised.

  • code: 1205

class Agents

Bases: object

ID = 1300
static AgentListEmpty(agent_manager)
  • code: 1301

static AgentPropertyNameNotExist(property_name, agent)
  • code: 1302

static AgentIDConflict(agent_container_name: str, agent_ids: List[int])

Agent ID should be unique.

  • code: 1303

class Environment

Bases: object

ID = 1400
class Data

Bases: object

This class is used when external data is imported or exported.

ID = 1500
static TableNameAlreadyExists(table_name: str, existed: str)
static StaticTableNotRegistered(table_name: str, all_table_names: List[str])

Static table should be registered before use.

  • code: 1502

  • hint: Make sure this table is correctly registered in the DataLoader.

static AttemptingReadingFromUnexistedTable(table_name)

When reading the database, the table must exist in the database. * code: 1503

static ObjectPropertyTypeUnMatchTheDataFrameError(param_name: str, param_type: type, dataframe_dtypes: Dict[str, type], agent: Agent)

Object type should match the type defined in dataframe.

  • code: 1504

  • example: If the dataframe has type float, and agent property was str.

static TableNameInvalid(table_name)

The table name should be an identifier.

  • code: 1505

  • hint: Do not use “+”, “-”, “*”, “/” or other special characters.

  • example: table-123; table+123

static TableNotFound(table_name: str, all_tables: dict)

Table may not be registered.

  • code: 1506

static InvalidDatabaseType(database: str, supported_db_types: Set[str])
  • code: 1508

static NoDataframeLoaderDefined()

Dataframe Loader must be defined if you want to use the static table.

  • code: 1509

static ColumnNameConsistencyError(df_name: str, missing: Set[str], undefined: Set[str])

The column name in code should be consistent to the table.

  • code: 1510

class Tools

Bases: object

This class is for errors related to dev tools such as MelodieStudio

ID = 1600
static MelodieStudioUnAvailable()

Melodie studio must be started before visualizer process start.

  • code: 1601

class Visualizer

Bases: object

This class is for errors related to visualizer.

ID = 1700
class Charts

Bases: object

ID = 1700
static ChartNameAlreadyDefined(chart_name: str, all_chart_names: List[str])
  • code: 1701